Growing for Good

Over 20,000 families living in our tri-county area struggle to eat. We are doing what we can to help.    

Each year, our dedicated volunteers help plant, harvest and drive our sustainably grown fresh produce to local food banks and pantries.

In addition to farming our land, we have been working to support St. Mary's County's new Community Gardens in the Lexington Manor Passive Park.

This important work operates without endowment or Government support and relies on our community to bring food to the tables through donations, volunteering, advocacy, visitation, and promotion.

To date, we have:  

  • Donated over 200,000 pounds of food. 
  • Worked to create avenues for families to grow their own produce through partnerships.
  • Reduced our run-off into local waterways by over 90%.


Our Growing for Good program has contributed over 200,000 pounds of produce since inception in 2014 with the help of community partnerships and volunteers.

As part of its commitment to organic produce, the site is exemplary for its stormwater and nutrient management practices, reducing run-off into local waterways by over 90% and helping to preserve and protect the region’s natural habitats. By sustainable farming and preservation, we want to become a site where history meets health and where we can all grow for good, together. 

Ways to get involved