2019 Speaker Series: Historic Preservation and Place-based Teaching

HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLACE-BASED TEACHING: The Importance of Knowing our History and Culture in Order to Preserve our Democratic Republic O. James Lighthizer - President of the American Battlefield Trust For the past 20 years, Lighthizer has been responsible for the preservation of battlefield sites involved in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and…

Labor Day

Our site will be closed on  Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.

Home School Day

"Slavery To Freedom" - students learn to appreciate what the life of an American enslaved family was like, who lived and labored at Sotterley during the Civil War.  Hands-on activities. 10:30 am & 1:30 pm : Kitchen and laundry work at the Spinning Cottage 10:30 am & 1:30 pm:  Slave Cabin Life at the Slave…

2019 Speaker Series: Spy Pilot

SPY PILOT Gary Powers, Jr. - Author, Historian One of the most talked-about events of the Cold War was the downing of the American U-2 spy plane piloted by his father, Francis Gary Powers, over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. Along with author/historian KeithDunnavant, he has written this new account of his father’s…

Birdwalk “Birding the Fields & Trails”

Experience the beauty of fall on a birding excursion on Historic Sotterley’s scenic and historic Patuxent River property. Bald Eagles, migrant songbirds, lingering meadowlarks, sparrows and waterfowl can be found on Sotterley’s extensive trail system and natural habitats. There is no charge for this event, although donations are always appreciated. Please RSVP by the 22nd…

Riverside WineFest

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the best party of the Fall: the 17th Annual Riverside WineFest at Sotterley! Let's celebrate the best Maryland wines (and coolest Beer Cave around) while enjoying the breathtaking setting of this National Historic Landmark on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, 2019. This event is all good things rolled into…

Riverside WineFest

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the best party of the Fall: the 17th Annual Riverside WineFest at Sotterley! Let's celebrate the best Maryland wines (and coolest Beer Cave around) while enjoying the breathtaking setting of this National Historic Landmark on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, 2019. This event is all good things rolled into…

2019 Speaker Series: Sinking Lands and Rising Seas

SINKING LANDS AND RISING SEAS: Climate Change, Evolution of Chesapeake Bay & Effects on Cultural Resources                                                  Ralph Eshelman - Paleontologist, Historian This illustrated talk covers the often misunderstood concepts of Relative…

Ghosts of Sotterley Tour

Th' Pirates' Revenge!  Come all ye who dare t' venture Sotterley's haunted grounds where those accused o'piracy seek revenge fer thar unjust punishments, as ye be deemed Pirate or Patriot accordin' t' yer cause. Enjoy the campfire before or after your tour.  Refreshments available for purchase. Advance Tour Ticket Purchase Required.  Online purchasing coming soon.